Middle School

Middle School

College may seem far away when you are in middle school, but middle school is an integral part of your journey toward academic success. Start early by focusing on your school work, communicating well with classmates and teachers, and getting involved in after school activities.

Consider This

What courses should I take?

Discover the academic requirements you should be focusing on to give you the best chance of getting into a great high school. Each year of middle school, students should be taking English, science, history/geography, math (Algebra in 8th grade), a foreign language, a computer class, and a course in the arts (visual art, music, theater).

Talk to your guidance counselor about enrolling in elective courses offered by your school. Electives in areas like the culinary arts, photography, or computer science can help you explore your interests and passions, giving you a sense of what you like (and don’t like) as you think further about what you’d like to study in college and pursue as a career. 

How about after school activities?

Try out for a sports team at school, join a club you are passionate about, or volunteer in your community. Find an activity that you will be motivated to continue throughout your high school career. Click here to discover why extracurricular activities matter. Follow PhillyGoes2College on social media and check out our program directory to find no-cost afterschool or summer programs that fit your interests. 

What type of learner am I?

Auditory, visual, or tactile? By discovering how you learn best, you can figure out the most effective study habits and tools for yourself. Take this online quiz to assess what type of learner you are.

Once you’ve identified your learning style, you can find study tips that suit you here. Sharing with your teacher how you learn best will help them help you! 

How can I build healthy study habits?

Completing assignments and working on time management skills are two necessary keys to success in middle school and beyond. Learn how to take control of homework through time management and prioritizing, and take advantage of tools like Google Calendar to stay organized. Head here to learn how Google Calendar can help you keep track of class assignments, test dates and extracurricular activities (we love step six for adding assignment due dates!). 

How can I plan for high school?

Begin to research what type of high school you would like to attend. There are neighborhood, special admission, citywide admission, charter, and magnet schools. Learn about your options and the high school enrollment process through Great Philly Schools (they even offer high school fairs and have a calendar of high school open houses). And remember that guidance counselors (at your middle school and the high schools you’re interested in going to) are always there to help. 

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